Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Garden Snapshot

I spent a lot of time in my little garden this past weekend. The weather was gorgeous (60-70 degrees and sunny) and perfect to spend outdoors.

I acquired some new plants (a couple of citrus trees, blueberry bushes, a quince tree and strawberries)! I was quite the busy bee. 

You can see that I've planted the little strawberry plants in the cinder block holes that surround what will be a raised bed--once I add dirt. You can also see my new dwarf Meyer Lemon tree on the left. It's in bloom and smells heavenly!

Here is the "overall" shot of the garden as of February 23, 2013. I will be regularly updating with this vantage point in order to record the growth throughout the seasons. You can see what it looked like when I started here

I am very pleased to report that my passionfruit vine is looking better and better everyday. Thank God I didn't send it to an early grave with the under-watering in the beginning. I'm now very diligent with watering all of my little plants.

Also, I have more sprouts!! I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see the Nasturiums pop up yesterday when I was watering. I've noticed though that a few of the tender leaves have been snapped off! I blame the birds...
If it continues to be a problem I'm going to have to figure out a solution. Maybe adding little cloches until they're bigger would help.

All of the other little seedlings (which I am now almost 100% certain are poppies), are doing well and going strong. They're still teensy tiny but growing in numbers daily--which is so cool.


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