Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In This Night

In this night
I look at the moon
so bright, so clear
so uncomplicated

In this night
I look at myself
so new, unclear
so complicated

Will I ever let peacefulness reside
within me
so bright, so clear
so uncomplicated

There is darkness
and sometimes
no moon at all
but he will come out
when I least expect

In this night
the moon looked down
upon my weary head
so bright, so clear
so uncomplicated

Wishing me

This is a piece that I began conceptualizing when I went to the Odyssey calligraphy conference in Boston at the end of July.  I had won a scholarship to attend and I had the most amazing experience.  The people I met and the beautiful setting at Stonehill College was the perfect platform to be truly inspired.  This piece is the most precious and personal thing that I have ever done, because it is for myself.  It explores anxiety, insecurity and self awareness.  It was lettered with Sumi ink on handmade paper using a hand cut quill.  I have to say, it was an extremely difficult piece to letter (because of the texture of the paper) so I needed to rub the surface with pumice.  I think it ended up adding a dreamy quality to the piece.

It was difficult to come back home.  Back to work, to envelopes, to the heat.  August has been a terribly hot and draining month so far.  I will try to post more calligraphy work soon.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully, haunting, Bailey. Thanks for sharing. You were GOOD before you joined the guild, but I don't know if you realize the leaps and bounds that have abided since you became a member. Great work... keep it up and lose some of that insecurity! You are worthy... and we love you. xo Trish
